Sunday, August 22, 2010

Corporate Sustainability Model

  • How can costs of meeting social goals and the risks of not meeting them be factored into capital investments and allocation decisions?

  • How can performance evaluation and reward systems be reconstructed to reflect the broadened set of goals?

  • How can organizational information systems be constructed to help managers achieve the high performance those personnel systems seek to reward?

  • How can we construct organizational processes that will define, collect, track and analyse relevant data to provide managerial incentives, drive organizational learning and guide strategic action across the full integrated panoply of firm objectives?

  • How can the standard corporate processes associated with important business decisions – budgeting, personnel assignments and career tracking etc – be modified to include the full array of consequences from financial to social, that the firm now seeks to manage?

  • How should firms organize the development of and carry out the internal and external communications of its goals and accomplishments across the full domain of consequences for which it is now taking responsibility?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Norwegian Crime Fiction

Not quite Mankell or Larsson quality, in terms of complex and in-depth characterisation and layered plotting, but still worth a read.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Recent Reads, Recommended


History of money and the evolution of global finance.

History of the Rothschilds and the development of modern finance in Europe in 2 parts.

Fundamental political economic concerns that will continue to threaten the world economy if left unresolved.

Fiction - More Nordic crime stories

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