Do you know what is expected of you at work?
Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right?
At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?
Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
At work, do your opinions seem to count?
Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?
Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
Do you have a best friend at work?
In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Gallup's Q12
After hundreds of focus groups and thousands of interviews with employees in a variety of industries, Gallup came up with the Q12 - 12 key questions that identifies strong feelings of employee engagement. Results from the survey show a strong correlation between high scores and superior job performance. Those that I highlighted in blue below are what I deem as "must-have". If you don't, maybe that's why you are feeling less than fulfilled in your current workplace and it may be time to move on.
Monday, December 29, 2008
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

“用得着你的时候,他会用。用不着的时候,他就杀 - 这是历史的教训”。
1。 知人善任 - 知人首先在于知己,其次在于知彼。人贵有自知之明,自知之明是最大的聪明。
Grace Kelly's Bridal Gown

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Milton Friedman series

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
品三国 (二)

Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
If you can call this a moral issue
In my line of work, there are times when I'm bound by the need to respect client's privacy and not allowed to disclose the full or even real story to candidates. This is especially so with regards to reasons for rejection, client company info etc. As far as I can stretch the constraints, I give the true story, although very often this requires a bit of creative crafting and paraphrasing to ensure that the interests of the client are not compromised in any foreseeable way. But sometimes, I'm forced to say half-truths, which objectively speaking is unavoidable since my loyalties lie with my clients, who are afterall paying us for our services. Not being able to be completely upfront all the time with my candidates makes me uncomfortable because it goes against my values, although I recognise the need to put the client's interests first. I did not foresee grappling with this issue when I first came into this industry and the irony is that one of the reasons my previous workplace irked me was the secrecy shrouding the work and how it shaped the people there. Like how you never knew the complete picture, the overused excuse of "compartmentalization" or the "tsk-tsk" that came from those brain-washed folks when you were caught saying things you weren't supposed to and how it made me felt like an embarrassed bad kid. Of course, there isn't anyone to do the "tsk-tsk" now but myself at myself, when I know I should be or should not be saying certain things. No matter what, I am equally uncomfortable when confronted with half-/untruths whether I'm the originator or recipient of them.
I have tried to come to terms with this and resolved to be as clear and upfront as possible to my candidates rather than take the easy way out and fob them off with lies or worse, stop all communication (like RMs running away from their clients in the current financial crisis). This is the only way where I can continue in this line of work and make something out of it.
I have tried to come to terms with this and resolved to be as clear and upfront as possible to my candidates rather than take the easy way out and fob them off with lies or worse, stop all communication (like RMs running away from their clients in the current financial crisis). This is the only way where I can continue in this line of work and make something out of it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Skinny times
Apparently, the latest wage survey showed that a quarter of the total workforce in Singapore earns SGD 1200 or less. That's more than a million folks here, although I'm not sure if this figure includes foreign labour. Anyhow, in times like this when food prices and other basic necessities like utilities bills and even transport costs are rising faster than ever, plus plenty of job insecurity, one doesn't know whether to try and save more or earn more. Both seem equally difficult.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
品三国 (一)

之前已经记载了这本书,但因为没有把它读完,所以并没多加评论。喜欢读史吗?喜欢《三国演义》 的 故事情节与人物吗? 稍微对《三国》有点兴趣的朋友,一定会对易中天的《品三国》爱不舍手。易先生将《三国演义》里的虚虚实实一一解剥和分析,令读者更深入和正确地了解一些重要事件以及核心人物的性格与立场。譬如:曹操如何由英雄转变为奸雄,诸葛亮的高超的政治手腕 (诸某乃是政治家,非军事家。),诸葛亮与刘备的微妙关系和所谓“三顾茅庐”的来龙去脉,鲁素在孙刘联盟上所扮演的重要角色 (鲁素为孙权清算了要不要与刘备联合对抗曹操, 而诸葛亮和周俞则清算了能不能与刘战胜曹操)等等。上册尤其精彩,也将曹操这个人物作了一次非常细腻的分析与解说。
1。 名与实:名至实归,更重实际。
2。 德与才:德才兼备,唯才是举。
3。 廉与贪:重用清官,不避小贪。
4。 降与叛:招降纳叛,尽释前嫌。
5。 大与小:抓大放小,不拘小节。
1。 智人善用,唯才所宜。
2。 令行禁止,赏罚分明。
3。 推诚取信,用人不疑。
4。 虚怀若谷,见贤思齐。
洞察人性,洞悉人心。 设身处地,将心比心。
Audacity of Hope


Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Something light
Haven't watched a movie (and a good one at that) for a while. So typically when I am starved of something, I'll overdose to make up for it. Watched Body of Lies and Madagascar II and both were very enjoyable. Body was rather formulaic but good action Hollywood stuff. Mag was hilarious, and a nice surprise because I was snoring through the first one. The snap decision to catch Number II was right, mainly because the scriptwriters beefed up the Penguins' part and the comic timing was near perfect.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bear Farming
This really makes me sick. I cannot imagine a worse way to live a life. Let's do something, however small. Putting your name on petition is a start.
The Greed Merchants

Fairly readable and explains clearly the complex relationships among different functions under one investment banking house, and how the banks leverage these relationships to gain profit at the expense of retail investors.
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