Sunday, May 22, 2011

Change, Culture and Organizations

Recent developments in the field of organization development and the need for changes in paradigm, values and practice to remain relevant to business. OD is out-dated; OC (organization change) may be more applicable due to its more encompassing and integrative thinking.

The major research and study on dimensions of cultures and the analysis of their implications at the societal and organizational levels. A very important book that helped Egon Zehnder International develop the framework and application of its Cultural Diagnostic tool.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


1。 秦始皇 - 田家淇
2。 刘邦 - 吴佐夫
3。 汉武帝 - 王书熙
4。 曹操 - 李菽材
5。 刘备 - 红钊
6。 唐太宗 - 程桐
7。 武则天 - 吴江
8。 宋太祖 - 郭兆祥
9。 成吉思汉 - 龚禺铭
10。 朱元璋 - 张煜瑞
11。 康熙 - 朱元鹏
12。 雍正 - 程军川
13。 乾隆 - 红钊

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Home improvement project - art works

Got some much needed help from kind, dog-friendly souls who contributed their time, creative juices and effort to produce wonderful pieces for the wall project. I now have the first 5 of the 30 pieces I would need to cover the wall! Yay~

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home improvement project - Kitchen art

our new furkid

Name: Momo Lam
Age: 2 yrs
Species: Dog
Likes: Towel, home
Dislikes: Unfamiliar environments, loud sounds, humans that make funny "cluck cluck" sounds

I need to go back to my Seagull soon...

I miss lomo...
my life has been overtaken by anxiety and stress lately.

Home improvement project - Alternatives

from old champagne glasses to tealight holders

from DIY little red chair to mini console

from old saucepans to flower pots

from laboratory equipment to mini vases

from decanter to water jug

from fish bowl to rock (collection) bowl

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