Thursday, August 2, 2007

MBTI - Day Two

Wah lau.....
I am more confused than ever about my type. After going through the different types today, I feel that I can be a ISFP or even ENFP. S is because I like tactile experiences and want to experience things with my senses.But I dislike details and going through data, though I wonder if its just because I am too lazy to go through all the work. E is because I do enjoy talking to people, but I guess I do feel tired after a while. As for careerwise, these combinations are generally good for journalism and writing profession, so I gues it might be good for me to go for the reporter/broadcast journalist thing. But I don want to sit at my desk all day long again, so the broadcast journalist position may not be suitable for me. The drawback is the pay though, for the reporter position. Sigh, it still comes back to money at the end of the day.
What I want : moving around, talking to people, project-based work, variety. Maybe EDB is quite suited. Hopefully they will call me and give me a try.
What I don't want : desk-bound, isolation, routine-work. Which is where I am now. So sad.
I guess I should not be too obsessed with this MBTI thing and just use it as a guide. The more I read about the types or do the tests, the more confused I feel. I guess I have deviated a lot from my true inclinations to really know for certain what I truly am. Figuring as I go along is the only way to move on from here.
I am also rather sceptical whether the different types are mutually exclusive. I exhibit some characteristics for almost every opposing types. For E/I, I talk without thinking sometimes (E) but recharge when alone (I). For S/N, I like tactile experiences but am intrigued by possibilities and imagination and hate details. For T/F, this is easier, cos feeling is much stronger, although the analytical bit is probably strengthened over the recent years. For P/J, I like spontaneity and possibilities and is rather indecisive (P), but do like to plan to some extent for certain things (J). Then again, the J bit could have been fostered. Overall, the closer types would be ISFP and ENFP, in this order.
Well, we will see what happens tomorrow. My type could change again!
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