Targeted cold calling: the assumption is that the hiring manager will be more likely to accept an unsolicited call if he has a genuine hiring need.
Pre-job order relationship building: establish a relationship and build some rapport before requesting the target company's business. It may tkae months or even years of relationship building calls to turn the company into a client.
Marketing call: a good marketing call requires a combination of knowing the kind of candidates likely to impress the employer, having a good candidate and effectively presenting the candidate's abilities and qualities.
REMEMBER: a lot of people are content but not necessarily happy where they are.
“I look at every conversation as a potentially good conversation and try to get something out of it. If the guy is not right for the job, maybe he is right for something I am going to get next week.and I want him to understand me a little better, and I want to leave him with a feeling that I was good to him, that he had a positive experience, and that he will be willing to come back and that if I ring him again, he will come back willingly.” Make every conversation worthwhile.
A headhunter calls a prospect for 3 reasons:
v Determine if the candidate is interested and if he is a viable candidate.
v To get names of other prospects.
v To get more info about the candidate for record purpose.
A headhunter’s skill lies in identifying and accentuating the impediment to an employee’s complete satisfaction. There are 5 types of “wounds”: company, boss, job duties/scope, location, salary.
“You’re selling CREDIBILITY, nothing else.”
Selling the candidate: point out and possibly exaggerate the negative info & challenge the meaning and salience of that negative info about the candidate.
Telling the candidate that all employers make counter-offers is effective only if it precedes the counter-offer.
Headhunters close their candidates by controlling their emotions.
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