since the last entry. and the last book. Been a bit over-steeped in the whole business and management world so decided to take myself out and jumped into some tomes that have been languishing in the corner ever since I brought them home from the store. Long Way Down is good, picking up from the last trip and journal Long Way Round, but this time more pensive and sombre, probably because of the more stops the duo made at Unicef operations in Africa and their thoughts about the good work being done there. Think the BBC documentaries will be quite interesting too. Had initially thought that this book would make good reading on the airplane, as we are due to set off for a short, can't-wait-for-it-to-come trip to HK. But I guess I was too impatient to get to it and am now at the last chapter and destination Cape Town. So it would be Hosseini's Thousand Splendid Suns then, which will hopefully keep me sane on the flight. (hate flying hate flying)
Episode 2
Just read some reviews of the LWD DVD. Seemed like a total flop due to an overly-commercialised feel (Ewan and his village - brother, father, wife - joining him on the trip = ooh star power), tensions between Ewan, who seems to be the star, and Charley, his sidekick (undeservedly so), overwhelming focus on logistical preparation, just to cite a few reasons. Reading the book, I could already feel the tension, and yeah, what's with bringing along the missus?
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