1 white hydrangea. 1.5m long white satin ribbon. Clear tape and rubber bands. Straight flower stems (I used the cut rose stems from the pomander earlier, or u can ask if your florist has unwanted cut stems.) Pearl head pins.
Hydrangea is my favourite flower and its big round "head" makes a lovely bridal bouquet. Hydrangeas are water guzzlers so Mr Supplier prepared the flower by dunking its head in water for a few minutes. (Cos hydrangeas absorb water through its flowers; their woody stem makes it difficult for them to draw water through it.)
Cut the hydrangea stem to a desired length for the handle. Bundle cut rose stems (I used about 14 stems which were halved lengthwise from 7 original stalks) around the hydrangea stem and secure with 2 rubber bands. Wrap clear tape around the stems to further secure them. Wrap the ribbon from the middle leaving tail ends equal in length in a criss-cross fashion, starting from the bottom of the bouquet handle. Cross the ribbon flat in front, bring the ends to the back and make another flat cross. Bring both ends to the front again, this time cross the ends and make a tight twist. Bring the ends to the back, make a flat cross, and bring up the ribbons to the front again for another twist. Repeat so that the front is a series of twists and the back is a series of flat crosses. To end, tie a double knot at the front and secure the knot with two pearl pins as shown below:

Hydrangeas need water so have to spray the flowers regularly, Mr Supplier suggested once every hour so that the flowers will not droop. Hydrangeas are pretty hardy and will last for a while. They also come in colours like pink, blue, purple, yellow-green.
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