Bad week, shitty client, generally dragging my soul along as the long weekend draws closer. How shitty? Imagine opening your mouth, two sentences describing the industry and nationality of the client comes out and the candidate cuts you short, saying he knows who the client is and hem-haw...basically not interested to even say a word more. It doesn't help that the stupid client tells interviewees who have been persuaded to meet them: You have to come in at least 2 weekends a month, your leave is 14 days...blah blah, when they already are at the Corporate level. Nor is it particularly encouraging that previous employees bitch about their ex-company to industry insiders.
So it calls for supreme creativity and an iron will to plod along and hopefully dig out someone to plonk into the role. Stumbling across this photo/idea cheers me up immensely. Isn't this bedside bookstand/ nightstand/ lightstand idea ingenious? I'm always inspired by creative stuff.

via Apartment Therapy
Shitty weeks come and go ... I've learnt to become numb when it happens. haha. the bedstand thing looks really cool!