I have never really been a fan of hawker food, especially food that is for sustenance rather than for enjoyment. But my salary does not allow me to lunch at nice restaurants or have $10 sandwiches everyday so sometimes I do trudge to the hawker to feed. And I always regret it. After the meal, I would feel bloated, sleepy and generally dumb/numb (can't tell the diff). Yes, the MSG and refined carbs can really make me feel bad. I wonder why I never really felt it all my life until I had to eat it almost daily when I came out to work. But I guess it must be the frequency of having such food and the more sedentary life that I'm leading now as compared to when I was a kid running around in school. So I suspect the carbs (or crap rather) that I'm eating is really doing me no good but I never really knew how bad they were until I found this on NaturalNews.com:
"Bad carbs, on the other hand, include all refined carbohydrates -- basically, anything that's been milled and stripped of its original, natural elements such as fiber, healthy oils, vitamins and minerals. All white flour is nutritionally deadly. Really. White flour kills you. If you tried to live off of white flour for 60 days, you would literally die. That's because white flour lacks all of the healthy elements found in the whole grain of the wheat berry. Whole wheat grains contain important minerals like magnesium, healthy oils like vitamin E, health-enhancing insoluble fiber, and a long list of important vitamins. Virtually all of these are stripped out during processing, leading to a product so nutritionally depleted that millers are required by federal law to add certain vitamins back in! That's the source of so-called "enriched white flour," which is actually, "enriched just enough to make sure it doesn't kill you too quickly with obvious nutritional deficiencies."
In other words, they take out 100 vitamins and minerals, then add three or four back in. That way, most people don't notice the white flour is actually killing them by promoting chronic disease and illness. That's why white flour earns one of the top positions on my list of metabolic disruptors -- food ingredients known to interfere with the normal healthy physiology of the human body...."
No more Bak Chor Mee for me man.
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