Nobody can quite understand me everytime I talk about why Hong Kong is the most exciting Asian city to live in and all about its great merits. I guess that's probably because I have a special affinity to anything that is in the Cantonese language, and very few people can really appreciate that. Then again, it's not just the language, it's also the can-do spirit and cosmopolitan mix of the whole city and at the same time it retains a very strong cultural identity. And this cultural identity is all the more evident in its unique sense of humour that no one really gets, unless they are from the city. I love their stand-up comedies, and no one is quite as funny, intelligent, irreverent and quick as Dayo Wong 黃子華. He is having a series of stand-up shows during this month and the next but it's such a great pity that I can't go because of the application deadlines for the school.. 20 shows of 2.5 hrs each in one city, man, talk about popularity! Of course there is always a next time but that's gonna be a couple of years down the road..

Poster (棟篤笑 means "stand-up comedy")

Mag shot of the first performance with a member of the audience.
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