Perhaps as a result of stuffing myself for a whole week (since it was birthday week) and keeping late nights and fretting over plans for the coming new year, my body was responding to my lack of care with a scratchy throat and feverish throbbing in my head. So I spent Saturday at home, alternating between catching some fitful rest and reading French Milk, a graphic journal style travel writing of a 22-year old art student, Lucy Knisley, who spent 6 weeks staying in Paris with her mum and logging her travels and musings in a mixture of cute drawings, not-so-well-taken photographs and kiddy style writing. Perfect for someone who has lost her mental faculties (partly) and looking for something light to while away time. I like her drawings best and she has that clean and earnest style that really appeals to you. Her style reminds me of Herge's TinTin and Asterix. I think comic drawings is a refreshing way to do travel writing. Check out her website.
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