To some, if not many, people, this is a no-brainer. "Of course Seagull. It's cheaper and very well-made." is something I hear/see very often. A Seagull, even the higher end ones in the 4A series sold on the ultra-atas (expensive) lomography.com, is still a couple of hundred dollars cheaper than the crazily-priced Lubitel 166+, which I last checked to be S$580. I like Lubitel 166+ because of its light weight and flexibility. It can shoot both 35mm (can do sprockets!) and medium format (120mm), and has an in-built film winding system (no need to grope around in a film changing bag). So it's like buying a Seagull, which can only shoot 120mm, AND a Lomo LC-A+, which shoots 35mm. Buying both cameras would of course be more expensive but then I would have 2 cameras (yay). So how? I really don't want to import a Lubitel and pay GST, which will bump up the price by another 7%, although shipping is free. I found a Singapore dealer who brings in Seagulls and will take a look at them before deciding. And if he is selling them at a decent price, i.e. not far from what the could-be-dodgy China dealers are quoting (one website says S$100), I guess I will opt for it. I like both Seagull and Lubitel for different reasons but buying one would mean eliminating the other and hence the agonising decision-making process.
Oh and why either? Because I want to play with medium format and more importantly, I want control!! Holga and Chelsea are fun but I don't get to be boss.
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